R1: Boeing confirms that the opened Crossfeed valve could potentially lead to the Fuel Imbalance condition described in the Ref /F/. Boeing notes that there is no Boeing procedure that requires the fuel Crossfeed valve to be open for an extended period of time in normal two-engine operations with all fuel pumps operating. The Crossfeed valve is verified being closed before departure (refer to the Ref /H/ attached FCOM extract) and stays closed during the whole flight unless a Fuel Balancing Procedure (refer to the Ref /I/) needs to be performed or if directed by the Non-Normal Checklist.
R2: Boeing highly recommends Hainan Airlines (HNA) follow the FCOM procedure and switch the Crossfeed valve to the Closed position during regular flights.
Based on the pictures provided, the fracture pattern of the outer pane is consistent with the ‘thermal edge break’ failure mode of which we have received a number of previous reports. This type of failure appears to be the result of a heat control issue. Both Boeing and the supplier (PPG) agree that these outer pane fractures may be attributed to a runaway heat condition which cause excessive thermal stresses on the edge of the glass outer pane. One possible cause that may lead to a runaway heat condition is a loss of insulation resistance between ground and the temperature sensor. However, we have not been able to be confirm this because the condition is not noticeable until the window overheats and outer pane fractures.