737MAX 反推铰链整流罩气动封严损伤



波音737MAX-FTD-78-18001对该问题做了说明,波音已经收到了反推铰链整流罩气动封严外层帆布sailcloth cover 早期磨损的报告。反推铰链整流罩气动密封外层是一层帆布,当反推铰链横梁整流罩在维护检查期间打开和关闭时,它可以使反推铰链横梁整流罩密封平稳地滑动到吊架整流罩下。当帆布磨损或丢失时,反推和飞机的功能不受影响。波音与反推供应商(Spirit)和封严供应商(Meggit)联合调查了帆布脱落、磨损和/或失踪的报告。2022年7月版FTD适用于全机队,在此之前的FTD有如下说明,表明工艺改进并不成功。我司自有案例也发现了线号7181的飞机存在分层。

报告显示,封严供应商实施了制造工艺改进,以获得更好的织物与密封件主体的附着力, 件号不变。线号6535及之前, 按原工艺制造。线号6535~6881,部分用新部分用旧。线号6881及以上都是新工艺。如果帆布损坏,可以报SR,波音提供最多12个月的临时处理。

波音发布了737-SL-78-087服务函,为6881号线之前的飞机提供了有时间限制的维修选项,运行中的飞机可以直接参考该SL执行临时处理(经过沟通,波音表示将修改SL扩大到与FTD统一的范围)。对于超出6881线号的飞机,波音是采用提供RDR(Repair and Deviation Record)的方式来增加适用性(我司全机队飞机已获取)。


Operators who find thrust reverser hinge fairing aerodynamic seals with degraded, delaminated, frayed or damaged sailcloth covers on aircraft prior to line position 6881 may temporarily trim the delaminated sailcloth. Trimming the delaminated or frayed sailcloth cover will slow the further delamination of the cover from the seal. The following procedure can be used to temporarily trim the damaged sailcloth:

  1. Do this task: Thrust Reverser Deactivation for Ground Maintenance per reference d) AMM.
  2. Use a ladder or suitable work platform to access the thrust reverser hinge fairing.
  3. Use a sharp knife to trim and remove the damaged sailcloth from the aerodynamic seal.
  4. Do this task: Thrust Reverser Activation After Ground Maintenance per reference e) AMM.
  5. Return the airplane to service for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months.
  6. At a convenient maintenance opportunity within twelve (12) months, replace the aerodynamic seal.


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