Boeing has reviewed the ref /A/ request and provides the following response to your requested action:
R1. The 737 MAX does not have EDP depressurization MEL relief because of an added step to the engine windmill relight procedure, to depressurize the EDP. As such, in order to not impact the ability to perform a windmilling restart of the engine in the event of an engine failure, the flight crew are instructed per the Non Normal Checklist to depressurize the EDP.
R2. Boeing confirms the hydraulic system of the 737NG and 737MAX are similar and the EDP depressurization functions in a similar manor.
R3. As the 737 MAX, when the certification in-flight start testing was conducted, it was necessary to include depressurizing the hydraulic pump to show we could achieve the minimum windmilling core speed to conduct a windmill start at the slowest airspeeds for the windmill start envelope. Boeing will not be revising the MMEL allowance, as the airplane certification required such parameters to be operational.