背景知识:MAX和NG在系统设计上是一致的。方向舵共有两个PCU,一个主PCU,一个备用PCU。PCU是动力控制单元,是控制(垂直)方向舵的执行器。主PCU使用的是A、B系统压力(同时使用),而备用PCU使用备用液压系统提供的备用液压源。FFM监控主PCU压力差值超出标准时,FFM将自动打开备用液压泵,从而给方向舵备用PCU增压,接通备用液压,点亮的STBY RUD ON灯。
According to the flight crew, the captain was the pilot flying and the first officer (FO) was the pilot monitoring. The captain said that while reviewing the logbook before the flight, he noted a previously recorded yaw damper discrepancy described as “the yaw damper over-correcting in flight”. He recalled that the corrective action consisted of resetting a few stall management yaw damper computer codes.
A review of the data also showed that the anomalous behavior of the rudder system began on the first flight after a scheduled maintenance on May 23, 2024. Before the maintenance, yaw damper commands did not correspond to rudder pedal movements. However, after scheduled maintenance was performed on the airplane, rudder pedal movements were noted when the yaw damper was engaged. All occurrences of these oscillations occurred with the yaw damper engaged; when the yaw damper was disengaged in-flight, or when the airplane was dispatched with the yaw damper on the minimum equipment list (MEL), the anomalous behavior was not observed.