737 Unexpected Loss of CPDLC connection while flying westbound through North Atlantic (NAT) airspace/737向西飞越北大西洋(NAT)空域时发生CPDLC通讯中断
有航司报告称,在飞越北大西洋(NAT)空域的西行跨洋航班中,发生了CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communication)通讯意外中断的事件。该飞机装机FMC构型为已启用FANS-2 FMC OPC选项的U14.1,另通讯中断仅在西行飞越北大西洋空域时发生。由于CPDLC功能尚未从U14升级至U14.1,此类问题很可能在U14中实际已经发生,但并未收到报告。
As long as the functionality of the microphone element itself has not been affected, the airplane can be dispatched. However, the bushing replacement should be performed at the next convenient time.