关于一号风挡上的’tong mark’

SR 4-5795324831

2023年4月,在一号风挡更换工作中,发现新件在侧边框处有两个圆形的印迹,询问波音,表示为’tong mark’,在手册中描述如下,为制造过程中产生的,非缺陷。

The round marks shown in the ref /B/ attachment are not a defect.  This marks are normal and each is referred to as a ‘tong mark’.  Tong marks are defined and noted in the AMM.  Please refer to AMM Task 56-11-00-200-803 for definition of ‘Tong Marks’ and note in subtask 56-11-00-210-005.




由于模块夹具螺栓紧固力矩较小(17-23 IN-LB/1.92-2.60 N-M),紧固时容易将螺栓头拧断,因此在更换气象雷达收发机应按以下步骤执行:



3、收发机安装到位后不能直接上力矩紧固螺栓,应将螺栓头顺时针轻轻拧回,检查收发机挡块与模块夹具上挡块之间是否完全平行贴合无倾斜,检查模块夹具螺栓是否倾斜,若检查有异常及时调整收发机位置和模块夹具螺栓,确认无异常后再施加(17-23 IN-LB/1.92-2.60 N-M)力矩紧固。


Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit (DFDAU) Airplane Condition Monitoring System (ACMS)
Software Updates – Block Point 1.3 and 1.4

737 MAX运营商在DFDAU上经历了几种不同的故障模式。波音公司已经为在役问题和DFDAU增强功能列表打开了服务相关问题(SRP)。SRP中的一部分问题将纳入两个不同的块点软件升级中。

Block Point 1.3正在更新ACMS基线数据库软件(31 DFDAU ACMS基线DB)和数字ACMS记录(DAR)航空公司可修改信息(AMI)(31 DFDAU ACMS DAR AMI)。BP 1.4正在更新ACMS操作软件(31 DFDAU ACMS OPS)。

Block Point 1.3:

  1. Address extraneous ECS Under-Overpressure Temperature Manifold High and Low reports (B07)
  2. Fix Cruise and Climb data misalignment in ACMS reports
  3. Update Engine Electronic Controller (EEC) maintenance words in ACMS Engine reports
  4. Fix Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) cycle count in ACMS reports and DAR map
  5. Edit to all baseline ACMS reports to include the year in the report header
  6. DAR map update

Block Point 1.4:

  1. Fix ACMS report generation and downlink settings being reset (NVM Reset)
  2. Fix CFast card date and timestamp misalignment
  3. Fix an issue causing the ACMS prompt not displaying on MCDU (ACMS Application Exception)
  4. Address an issue causing ACMS reports to stop generating (ACMS Application Exception)
  5. Fix intermittent ACMS reports not being transferred to ONS
  6. Allow negative modifiable constant values
  7. Fix Real Time DITS (ARINC 429) report (requested by uplink)
  8. Increase memory allocation to allow larger baseline and operator application



Improper Swaging of Bearings – Elevator Buss Assembly

这篇FTD文章的目的是提供SRP对737 MAX问题的调查的最新情况,该问题涉及升降舵作动机构中轴承的不当型锻,该调查之前在2022年12月的737机队团队电话会议中提到过,在组装过程中,发现了多个缺陷,涉及到特定于型锻过程的轴承安装,在型锻过程中,曲柄臂内可能会出现未被发现的潜在断裂/损坏,这可能不利地影响寿命并导致长期的升降舵控制性能下降。轴承的不当型锻/安装,每侧3处(共6处),不符合波音图纸251A2341中规定的特定型号要求。波音公司计划发布一份服务公告,以解决SRP完成后的补充信息和进一步的运营商行动。

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