自有案例,机队中偶有反映,波音在2011年发布的737-SL-52-054中有说明,若手柄盒中的封圈(ITEM 115)未正确安装到位,当飞机起飞后,客舱内外压差气流将手柄(ITEM 35)推出, 受到外部气流的影响,导致手柄转动90度,无法入槽。
安全分析: 从波音分析来看,外部手柄脱出对飞行安全无影响。因为手柄不会移动到衔接锁机构的位置,不会导致舱门解锁和打开
1.手柄机构中缺少O形环(M83461/1-212 O形环)。从把手盘上的孔向内看,看看O形圈是否在凹槽中(从门的内侧看不到,因为有轴承挡住了去路)。如果O形环在凹槽中并且没有损坏,那么下一步将是拆解手柄轴并检查弹簧是否损坏或无力。注意:如果O形环没有正确地放入凹槽中,那么在拆卸轴时,它很可能会脱落。
Boeing has received reports from other operators experienced the same condition, which led to the issuance of Ref /B/ Service Letters to address this condition. Possible causes are:
a. O-ring missing in handle mechanism (M83461/1-212 O-ring). Look inside through the hole in the handle pan to see if the O-ring is in the groove (you can’t see it from the inside of the door because there is a bearing in the way). If the O-ring is in the groove and not damaged, then the next step would be to disassemble the handle shaft and check the spring for damage or weakness. Note: If the O-ring wasn’t properly in the groove, it will most likely fall out when the shaft is removed.
b. A retaining spring pin for the cylinder end cap missing. The spring pin P/N is MS39086-111. See 149A6109 assy for details.
c. Internal spring failure (broken or weak spring). This condition is rare. Since spring is used in compression, if the spring was to have broken, the remaining spring would still push the handle towards the stowed position. However, the handle would get loose because of the lost spring compression. The handle would be able to be manually stowed, but would not want to stay there, like a spring is in one piece. P/N for Exterior Handle Recess Spring is 63-2848.
d. Operator did not stow the handle properly before flight. The handle is not designed to be self-stowing. The spring is designed to keep it in the stowed position.