
SR 3-5484124776


R1: Boeing confirms that the opened Crossfeed valve could potentially lead to the Fuel Imbalance condition described in the Ref /F/. Boeing notes that there is no Boeing procedure that requires the fuel Crossfeed valve to be open for an extended period of time in normal two-engine operations with all fuel pumps operating. The Crossfeed valve is verified being closed before departure (refer to the Ref /H/ attached FCOM extract) and stays closed during the whole flight unless a Fuel Balancing Procedure (refer to the Ref /I/) needs to be performed or if directed by the Non-Normal Checklist.

R2: Boeing highly recommends Hainan Airlines (HNA) follow the FCOM procedure and switch the Crossfeed valve to the Closed position during regular flights.


结合译码的情况,还原整个事件的过程如下:地面左右油箱加油后,使用APU,如果不开泵会消耗左主油箱的油量。但从发动机启动阶段的油量可知,右主油箱(8290LB)是少于左主油箱(8420LB)的。表明有打右主油箱泵并开了交输活门,才会让APU消耗的是右主油箱的油量。随后在打开左主油箱前后泵启动发动机时,交输活门仍然在开位,相当于总管中同时有4个泵提供燃油。由于每个泵的输出流量是会存在差异的(只要满足最低流量要求),同时供给总管也会存差异。厂家在FIM手册中28-41 TASK 820对于燃油构型问题的可能性中,就包括交输活门未完全关闭。表明交输活门的不完全关闭尚且会产生不平衡的状态,何况完全打开的情况。

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