关于颜色是从何而来,厂家表示内筒表面镀铬层的颜色变化看起来与下部轴承P/N:162A1526-1内使用的DU衬套材料一致,可能是DU衬里材料内筒镀铬表面上形成污迹外观,在这些高度抛光的镀铬表面上辨别颜色还比较困难的,因为它们具有反射性,能够从周围区域折射颜色。转移的DU材料加剧了这一问题,会改变颜色和反射率。这一解释,波音是加在了 AMM Pageblock 32-00-10/701 ‘Landing Gear Inner Cylinder Chrome – Cleaning/Painting’中。 Paragraph 2.F.(1) states the following: “On the shock strut inner cylinder chrome, you may find dark smear marks that have a small amount of texture and are difficult to remove. These smear marks are created by oxidation of the self lubricating material that is deposited on the chrome by the shock strut bearings. These smear marks are considered acceptable.”