

1,到底什么情况下需要执行特检 4-4417619877

The subject AMM conditional inspection is subjective. It is the operator’s responsibility to determine if the inspection is necessary when or after the aircraft has been exposed to the subject conditions.

2, 做什么样检查深度 3-3277500197

Boeing recommends that operators use their past experience to guide them in deciding whether or not an inspection is necessary, and the level of the inspections that are necessary. Boeings Extreme Dust/Sand Conditional Inspection criteria is a guide for operators to use when there are reports of sand intrusion and or extreme dust deposits on airplanes due to a wind storm. When operators are using Boeings Extreme Dust/Sand Conditional Inspection procedure and the careful documentation of the outcome can be used to further establish a baseline of Hainan Airlines own inspection.

3,停放的飞机需不需要做 3-4335252938

The dirt environments are areas with extreme dust or sand condition. Please note, that datum AMM Section 05-51-27/201 is written for cases where it was confirmed that the airplane was exposed directly to sand/dust during sand or dust storms. In general we recommend that operators use their past experience to guide them in deciding whether or not an inspection is necessary, and the level of the inspections that are necessary. If the environmental event is sufficient to create the possibility that static ports, pitot tubes, or other locations listed in the conditional extreme dust/sand inspection procedure to be reported to have deposits of fine-grained calcareous silt or clay material, then Boeing recommends performing the conditional inspections. Please note, that subject procedure is also applicable to parked airplanes, which were affected by the sand storm. Intervals provided in the SUBTASK 05-51-27-200-004 are flight hours.

4,钢索发现扬尘后的检查 4-4338594668

Boeing Service Request System We recommend cleaning and relubricating the cables, pulleys and any operating mechanisms affected. HNA may wish to inspect the control cables after approximately 3 months and 6 months to ensure no further damage has occurred to the control cables. Exposure to dust and/or sand will cause contaminants to accumulate on the control cable grease. If not cleaned, this can lead to shortened cable life as wells as higher control forces and sluggish operation of the associated flight control system.

5,经历沙尘后的建议 3-3277500197

Because dust and sand are inert particles, they will not cause harm to exterior fuselage/wing structure/airplane skin. Boeing recommends removing the dust/sand as soon as possible so that it does not get ingested into the engines, the air distribution system, or other internal areas of the aircraft. Dust/sand that blows through the area may also contain contaminants that can lead to premature corrosion of certain areas if those contaminants are not removed promptly.





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